Equity Release
M Gregory
July 2, 2014
Equity release UK is becoming more popular and this can be owed to many reasons, especially the up and coming lifestyles of the over 55s. Equity release is the process where you are able to release money that would otherwise be tied up in your home. The main ways to release equity are through a lifetime mortgage or a home reversion.
Reasons for Popularity
Equity release in the UK is becoming…
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Equity Release Lifetime Mortgage
M Gregory
October 21, 2013
People who are above fifty-five may have difficulties meeting their daily needs especially with insufficient pension provision. These people may be in need of some extra funds during retirement. Retirees who own a property are realizing that they have funds tied up in their property. This is termed ‘equity’. Therefore, imagine if these funds were then made available & were at their disposal,…
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